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Narrative/performance with Francesco Abate and Jacopo Cullin: a commentary on Sea and Sardinia by David Herbert Lawrence and Lawrence's vision of Sardinia.

'S'arrevesciu' in Sardinian language means 'an uneasy person'.

Asuni, Sunday 19th March 2017 17h30 - MEA, Museo dell'Emigrazione

At 18h30 - projection of 6 DESIRES: DH LAWRENCE AND SARDINIA by Mark Cousins (UK/Italy/2014/85’) and a meeting with its co-author and producer Laura Marcellino

Followed by a degustation of local food

A free downloadable version of Sea and Sardinia by David Herbert Lawrence is available on the web site of publisher Ilisso
(Text can be freely and entirely downloaded via the abovementioned link, or using the QR code included in that page)

FaLang translation system by Faboba